June Article for Region 12 Chapter Chats

June Article for Region 12 Chapter Chats
Type of post: News - for public display on Latest News section
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Petra "Piet" Chini
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, Jun 10 2022

Friends and Family show May 1st 
with all the Sweet Adelines in the audience with our guest quartets Verve and WhatEver 4
Wonderful May
After three years we finally were able to perform in front of our Friends and Family before we were able to compete in Region 12's Video Contest. It was truly a blast to be able to perform again for those who support and encourage us every day. 

We miss all the excitement of seeing all our regional friends and their chorus's performances live this year. Thank you Region 12 for making it possible for us to compete and to be able to see everyone even if it had to be on YouTube. We were cheering everyone on and we're so happy to see you all perform.

Thank you to the outgoing Management Team

Outgoing Piet Chini and Nancy Maass.
New 22/23 Management Team: Sherry Rowe - Team Leader, Debi Gordon - Communications,  Sue Barkley - Events, Pattie Bauer - Finance, Valerie Richie (not pictured)- Fundraising, Judi Naill - Marketing, Cindy Henry - Membership, Donna Spitzer - Secretary and Dede Nibler - Director
Congratulations to our Sweet Adeline of the Year our director Dede Nibler. She was the glue that kept us together during this time of Covid with her Wake up with Dede Zoom meetings, small group rehearsals, and weekly words of wisdom. Dede is the forever teacher and we love that she is continuously bringing the joy of learning to us.